Before The Storm

Music: Gregg Hart

©2024 Midiboy Music



During The Storm

Words / Music: Gregg Hart

©2024 Midiboy Music

I see the clouds are rolling in and darkening the skies tonight

I see the wind is picking up and blowing with all it’s might

It won’t be long…the thunder will crack

It won’t be long…the rain will fall down

It will fall down

If I remember just one thing I was taught when I was young

It’s don’t you worry when the storm gets rough and you think you’ve lost sight of the sun

For I know….


When the rain comes down

And the storm begins

You know it won’t be long

The sun will shine again


If the clouds start rolling in and darkening your skies tonight

And If the wind starts picking up and blowing with all it’s might

Just be ready for when the thunder cracks

You might get wet, oh, when the rain falls down

And it will fall down

If you remember just one thing that I will tell you before I am done

Don’t you worry when the storm gets rough, don’t you ever lose sight of the sun.

For I know…


It will shine again (4x)

Remember during the storm even if you do not see it

The sun is always there (The sun is always there)

Remember during the storm even if you do not know it

The sun is always there (The sun is always there)

It is always there.


Inside The Mirror

Words: Joe Flint & Gregg Hart
Music: Gregg Hart
©2024 Midiboy Music

Looking inside the mirror

Looking inside the mirror. Oh yeah

The things that you see! (When you’re)

Looking at life from inside the mirror.


Many times I have had regrets about the choices that I made.

Many times looking back the price is already paid.

Wanting to make that goal I stepped out with abandon.

The unforeseen looking back at me slightly with a grin.

And I just did not see it coming my way, until it had already passed.


Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are always clearer

Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are always clearer


Many times I knew I should have kept my eyes wide open.

Many times I went ahead just wishing and hoping.

Thinking that I could cause things to happen by my own hands.

The path I thought that would me lead to you would have left me being damned.

And I could not see the error in my way.

Until the mistake was made.


Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are always clearer

Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are so much clearer




OH! Looking at life from inside the mirror – my choices reflecting back on me

And somehow it’s been made much clearer.

Amazing the things that you see!

Looking at life from inside the mirror.

I can see things, oh, so much clearer.


Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are always clearer

Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are so much clearer

Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – things I’ve done are always clearer

Twenty-twenty inside the mirror – looking back I see it all much clearer

The Melody

Words / Music: Gregg Hart
©2024 Midiboy Music


There was a time when I did not have a song

Just some words that could not find a rhyme

Every melody I wrote just came out sounding wrong

No rhythm – completely out of time

Then I found you and now I have a song to sing

The chorus is an earworm that is here to stay

I’ll sing the tune for the melody you bring

And the song that we write will carry us away


(And you can) sing the melody / And I will join with the harmony

Then I will sing the melody / And you can join with the harmony, yeah

You are the singer and I am the song

If you write the words then I’ll sing along

The song we sing is about happiness

And it’s a song that lives in both of us


(As I) sing the melody / Will you join with the harmony

Then you can sing the melody / And I will join with the harmony

(2nd time) Yeah



So let everyone hear our song

So that they can sing along

We’ll show them how it goes

And all the world will know


(How to) sing the melody / And we will join with the harmony

Then we can sing the melody

(1st time) And they will join in the harmony, yeah

(2nd time) Will you please join with the harmony, yeah


Will you sing with me? Come and sing with me.

Won’t you sing with me? Come sing!

Words / Music: Gregg Hart

(c) 1989 / 1997 / 2019 Midiboy Music


Oh Lord, I really blew it this time

(I really blew it good)

I got caught walking on the thin line

(Between evil and good)

Now I reap the sins that I sow

(Like You said I would)

And I feel so alone

(And that don’t feel so good)


Oh Lord

I feel that


I can’t turn my life around

Because I’m standing on shaky ground

The more I struggle the more I fall

Can anybody hear my call?


Oh Lord, I pray to You above

(I’m in the rut of sin)

Wrap me in your arm of Love

(And forgive me once again)

Please guide me to the narrow road

(Lead the way once again)

Now I know I’m not alone

(You’ve cleansed me of my sin)


Oh Lord

Without You


I can’t turn my life around

Because I’m standing on shaky ground

The more I struggle the more I fall

Can anybody hear my call?

Oh Lord, hear my cry

And please lift me up so high

Plant my feet on solid ground

Help me turn my life around


Once Again

Don't Give Up On Me

©2024 Midiboy Music

Words & Music: Gregg Hart


I can’t seem to get anything right.

Would I even be ready to face you tonight, no

I try my best to do right by you

I just end up being the fool, yeah yeah

I don’t deserve you, how can it be

That you just keep on lovin’ me yeah

It seems too good, too good to be true

That I am still loved by you

Please tell me you won’t give up on me

Because I gave up on me long ago

Please tell me that you’ll be there for me

I just need to know…just need to know

You should not fear, I’ll never turn my back on you

I will give you the strength for you to pull through

You don’t ever have to try, try to hide away

I will be by your side all the way.

I don’t deserve you, how can it be

That you just keep on lovin’ me yeah

It seems too good, too good to be true

That I am still loved by you

Please tell me you won’t give up on me (I won’t….)

Because I gave up on me long ago (…give up)

Please tell me that you’ll be there for me

(I will be there for you) Please let me know (I’ve let you know)

I want to believe you can give me peace (I can, I will)

When these troubles seem like they’ll never cease (they will, one day)

Everything is spinning out of control (It seems, but it’s not…

Because I have overcome this world)

Please tell me you won’t give up on me (I won’t….)

Because I gave up on me long ago (…give up)

Please tell me that you’ll be there for me

I just need to know oh ooh oh….oh ooh oh…

I promise I will never give up on you

Even when you think you’ve got nowhere to go

I will always be there for you

And that’s all you need to know….you need to know 


Words: Dina Florian & Gregg Hart
Music: Gregg Hart

©2024 Midiboy Music



I want to look into your eyes

And feel the warmth of Your presence

And your hand on my face

Here I am again

Missing you…I’ll wait for you

How long will I go without seeing your face

How long will I live without hearing your voice

You captured my heart and kept it with you

So when we’re apart, I’m without my heart too

(I’m without my heart too)

Why this present distance?

I just cannot understand it

Have I wandered from you

Or is it just a part of living

Living in this world

How long will I go without seeing your face

How long will I live WITHOUT your sweet embrace (yeah)

You captured my heart and kept it with you

So when we’re apart, I’m without my heart too

I long for your face

I need to hear your voice

Your presence is life

And my heart is yours

There’s no one like you

No one else will do

You have captured this heart now ruined for all but you

You have captured this heart now ruined for all but you oooh yeah yeah

You have captured this heart now ruined….it’s been ruined for all but you

Never Give Up

Words / Music: Gregg Hart
© 2024 Midiboy Music

Sometimes it seems the world’s against you.

Sometimes it seems there’s no way out.

You cannot go on one more minute

You wonder what life’s all about.

Please remember these words I say to you…




Never give up, never never give up, never never never give up!

Never give up, never never give up, never never never give up!


When it feels like you are falling way behind

Don’t let your head hang down in defeat

Tomorrow seems it will never arrive

And you just feel so incomplete

Please remember these words I say to you…




Keep holding on to my love

Never let it go. Never let it go.

My love will help you to endure

I will never let you go. Never let you go.




Never give up!


Words & Music: Gregg Hart

© 2024 Midiboy Music


I think I’m going crazy – cannot take it – can you help me?

All the world’s a side show – crazy sideshow – out to trick me

Are you real – am I real – What is real anyway?

Sick of social networks – Twittering jerks and TikTok flirts

Am I safe here – Are they listening – Where can I hide?

Are you real – am I real? What is real anyway?

What is real anyway?

What is real anyway?

There are street-corner workers – dancing twerkers – cyber lurkers

Global warming – Nuclear war – We’re done for

Are you real – am I real – what is real anyway?

There’s no time to sit down – gotta get there – running so late

Be right with you – take a number – going crazy

Are you real – am I real? What is real anyway?

What is real anyway?

Are you real anyway?

What is real anyway?

Are you real anyway?

What am I doing – where am I going – where am I now?

How do I get there? How’d I get here? Am I lost?

Don’t you ever wonder? Is anything real any more?

I need silence – please be quiet – I can’t hear you

Are you speaking? Am I listening? Am I hearing?

Are you real? Yes you’re real! Please be real to me today

Please be real to me today (4x)

Please be real today

You are real today oh ooh oh ooh yeah

You were real always (always real)

You are real in all ways


Words / Music : Gregg Hart

© 2024 Midiboy Music

I close my eyes and I drift away to a place that I can hear you say I love you
Sometimes you seem so far away even though I know you always say I’ll never leave you
And I know that what you say is true, I know it’s me and it’s not you because you love me
I need to learn to trust you now, and you’ve given me no reason to doubt that you love me

Oh my love I hope you realize, that when I look into your eyes, I’ll always love you
I’m never all that far away, just call me up and I will say how much I love you
I want you to know that my love is true, and I am completely devoted to you and only you
I thank the Lord for giving me you, for your loving heart that’s always true, please know that I love you
I love you
I love you
Whoa oh oh

Lets close our eyes and drift away to that place that we will always say I love you
And we will never turn away and things will always turn out OK, when we say I love you
And you know one thing that is true, no matter what we’ll make it through, whatever happens
This love we have that God gave to us, is built on love, faith and trust, and were thankful, yeah
Whoa oh oh
Oooh oooh Oh oh
Oh yeah yeah yeah

Lion Tamer

Words: Naomi Hanvey

Music: Gregg Hart

© 2024 Midiboy Music


Defender of truth - Enemy of the lie

Evil beware - For your foe am I

I stand for the right - And tell wrong to scram -

A lion tamer I am

But some days it's tough - To answer the call

The lions are big, yeah - And I feel so small

What if it's not - What I'm meant to be?

A lion tamer - me?

Taming lions - What a calling

But maybe not one I should call my own

One against many - I'm surrounded

Standing is so hard when you're standing all alone

But I can't give up - Truth is worth fighting for

So I won't give in - To this fear anymore

This is my calling - I will not be ashamed

Cuz I'm a lion tamer - and the lions must be tamed

I protect the weak - And defend the poor

Those who harm my friends - Are asking for war

Attacking the helpless - This I defy

A lion tamer am I

But too often power's - A double-edged sword

And I destroy - With the force of a word

I've become that - Which I once fought

A lion tamer I'm not

Taming lions - What a calling

But maybe not one I should call my own

I'm a fighter - Not a tamer

Peacemaking's a skill I cannot hone

But I can't give up - Friends are worth fighting for

I love to fight - But I must love peace more

This is my calling - And it must be claimed

I'm a lion tamer - and the lions must be tamed, yeah

Taming lions - What a calling

But humbled am I to call it my own

It's a struggle (it’s a struggle)- To keep going (to keep going)

It is my call, but I'm still failure-prone

But I can't give up - Good is worth fighting for

And when I fail (and I will fail) - I'll just try once more

This is my calling - Let it be proclaimed:

I'm a lion tamer - and the lions must be tamed 

To Be There

Words:  Joe Flint & Gregg Hart
Music: Gregg Hart

© 2024 Midiboy Music



Seeing the panic in your eyes

Feeling the fear in you rise

You never had to face anything like this

In the path of a freight train

Hoping it would miss


I am here to listen

If that is what you need

You know that I care for you

You can count on me

Just try to hold on to faith

God is still there for you

And so am I if you need me

Cuz I’ve been there too

Cuz You know you can count on me

To be there to hold

To be there to listen

To be there to care

Until the fire passes

Until the fire passes

I may not know all the words to say

I can only think to pray

Because I don’t have the answers

I cannot stop the hurt

I can only dry the tears


I’ll be there (8x)

The Fork

Words &  Music: Gregg Hart
© 2024 Midiboy Music

I remember when I was young sitting at the dinner table

I was pretty sure if I ate those greens, that it would be fatal

But I held my nose, and got it down, though I was barely able

The dog wouldn’t even eat the one that I dropped off of the table

But I ate what I could because I knew what was next

It was the end of the week, and I knew what that meant

After a long week of work, Momma loved to bake

My most favorite thing was when she made her chocolate cake…and when dad said…

Everyone keep their fork,

Because the best is yet to come. Everyone keep their fork

The best is yet to come!

Many years later, with the love of my life, at my parents house for dinner

Getting married in a week, my dad was so proud, you could see his eyes glimmer

Momma spent the day preparing the meal, there was no momma better

She made a roast, potatoes and greens, which I ate even though they were bitter

As we were cleaning up, I knew what was next

It was the end of the week, and you know what that meant

Now that Mom was retired, she had more time to bake

She made my favorite thing, her famous chocolate cake…and then dad said…

Everyone keep their fork

Because the best is yet to come. Everyone keep their fork

The best is yet to come! (repeat)

Ooh ooh. Keep your fork! Ooh yeah, ooh.

Time rolled on, and mom was gone

Dad wasn’t well, he didn’t have long

As I stood by him in his hospital room

He said to me “I’m going to be leaving pretty soon,

But please don’t worry, I’ll be OK”

I knew he’d be gone later that day

As my tears fell down, he wiped them away

And these were the last words he had to say

I’ve kept my fork

The best is yet to come. The best is yet to come.

I’ve kept my fork 

After The Storm

Music: Gregg Hart
© 2024 Midiboy Music

(The best is yet to come!)